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Handle Auto Accident Injuries in Barboursville, WV

Bailey Legal Services Fights for Auto Accident Victims in Barboursville, WV

Our attorneys represent clients who sustained auto accident injuries in Barboursville, WV. There are many ways that drivers and passengers may be injured in an auto accident. Minor injuries, which may be undetectable at first, may heal after a few doctor visits. Serious injuries may be catastrophic and can have a permanent impact on quality of life. If you sustain injuries from an auto accident in Barboursville, WV, call Bailey Legal Services, PLLC, at (304) 736-0801.

Types of Automobile Injuries in West Virginia

Your available compensation may depend on who is at fault, and the extent of your injuries. Some of the more common types of auto accident injuries are:


What may be a simple bump between two cars, but it may result in serious neck trauma. Whiplash can be a relatively minor injury to treat, often after just a few doctor visits. Sometimes whiplash can return to affect you later in life, if left untreated.

Brain injuries

Even a mild concussion can cause brain trauma. If you have suffered a concussion or a more traumatic brain injury, it may result in life-long symptoms. A brain injury can also create the need for long-term care. Let us review your specific situation and explore what compensation may be possible.

Broken bones

A broken bone can have a lengthier recovery period and impact your ability to work. We may be able to help you recover lost wages.

Spinal injuries

Injuries to the spinal cord may bring health problems that can last a lifetime, requiring extended specialist care. If you are having trouble with your health insurer, give us a call today.

Scarring and seatbelt injuries

An accident that includes broken glass or ripped metal can also result in cuts and lacerations. While these safety features can save your life, they may contribute to scars that could become permanent. If your injuries require plastic surgery, your costs may be recoverable.

Wrongful death

Another driver’s negligence could mean the death of your loved one. You may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, emotional damages for pain and suffering, and lost wages.

Neck and back injuries

Motor vehicle accidents may result in extended doctor visits to treat a spine that becomes misaligned. They also treat sprains, or a ruptured disc that may require surgery. When you have extended treatment, get in touch with an attorney to review your options.

Call Bailey Legal Services Today – Statute of Limitations May Apply

West Virginia law places a two-year limit on auto accident injury claims. Auto accidents in Barboursville, WV, may include:

  • Car Accidents
  • Truck Accidents
  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Bicycle/Pedestrian Accidents

A skilled personal injury attorney from Bailey Legal Services will review your case immediately. Our attorneys will pursue damages, and you will receive compensation promptly.

Call Bailey Legal Services in Barboursville, WV, to handle auto accident injuries.