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Slip and fall concept

Slip and Fall Accident Issues in West Virginia


Bailey Legal Services Helps Clients After a Slip and Fall Accident

Just about anyone can experience a slip and fall accident in West Virginia. People can slide across wet floors or slide down staircases. Resolving these situations can be as simple as shaking them off but can worsen if you’re not careful. If you have recently suffered an injury from a slip and fall accident, act quickly before a mess becomes a disaster. Our law firm is here to help you do the right thing.

This month, we will explain common slip and fall accident issues in West Virginia. First, we will talk about some situations that can cause such a case to occur. Then, we will tell you how to prove negligence in a court case regarding this issue. Finally, we will explain the statute of limitations in the state of West Virginia for filing lawsuits on this situation. Bailey Legal Services is proud to educate our clients in slip and fall accident issues in West Virginia.


What are Common Conditional Causes for Slip and Fall Accidents?

Slipping on a wet floor can cause you to lose your footing and fall. Walking and sliding on ice, snow, rugs, and loose mats can also cause an accident to occur. Along with that, poor lighting and clutter in the area can cause an individual to slide and cause injuries. All in all, slide and fall accidents can occur for a variety of reasons. It’s important to point them out to the property owner, who should attend to the matter right away. Negligence goes a long way in causing accidents, and you can help prove that in court with our help. When West Virginia property owners notice dangerous conditions and neglect them, our office will work to hold them accountable.


Here’s How You Can Prove Negligence in Slip and Fall Accidents

West Virginia property owners have the right to maintain their premises to a safe standard, and remedy any dangers timely. However, it can be challenging to prove the individual’s negligence in court, as they will likely argue you’re at fault. To successfully prove the property owner’s negligence, you must verify the following conditions:


  • The owner knew of the conditions but did not fix them.
  • The property owner caused the dangerous situation.
  • The owner should know of the hazardous condition on the premises.



Timing is Essential for Us to Help Resolve Slip and Fall Accidents

Timing is an essential issue in resolving accidents in West Virginia. If a dangerous condition exists, and a property owner does nothing about it, you may have a claim. Lawyer Michael Bailey can help you prove a property owner’s negligence in court, and get what you deserve. Speaking of timing, West Virginians who suffer slip and fall accidents can only file a lawsuit within a specific time.


Individuals Must File a Lawsuit Within the State’s Statute of Limitations

West Virginia Code section 55-2-12 states that individuals must file lawsuits within two years of the incident. The two-year deadline set by this action applies if you only incurred property damage as a result of your accident. For these claims, the two-year window begins running on the date of the accident. In rare circumstances, the clock may pause or “toll,” giving you even more leeway to get your cause started. The success or failure of your slide and fall case will largely hinge on meeting the statute of limitations.


What Happens If I Don’t File My Lawsuit Within the Time Frame?

Not filing a lawsuit within the two-year statute of limitations in West Virginia can severely hurt your case. Individuals can count on the defendant requesting to dismiss the case. The court is almost sure to grant the dismissal. In short, not filing within the statute of limitations will lead to the court throwing you case out. It is so crucial to understand the statute of limitations, and file your claim as quickly as possible. No one should ever have to live with the physical and emotional pain of slip and fall accident. Our law firm can move your case along quickly, and get it filed within the two-year time frame.


Bailey Legal Services Offers Superior Personal Injury Service

If you suffered a slip and fall accident, and aren’t sure what to do next, call Bailey Legal Services today. Our lawyer has dealt with several slip and spill cases in West Virginia, and understands how to handle them. So you can trust that our firm believes that every case is different and unique. Our attorney will fight for your rights to compensation and work in your best interests.

Residents of West Virginia trust Bailey Legal Services for personal injury claims and more. Attorney Bailey uses his expertise to fight for his clients.  Since our inception, Bailey Legal Services has provided professional legal representation for local residents. For more information about our personal injury service, and more contact us during regular business hours.



Call Bailey Legal Services at (304)-736-0801. Follow us on Facebook for future updates and stay in touch through email or our contact page. You can talk to our lawyer during regular business hours to learn more about slip and fall accident issues in West Virginia.